Friday Was Fundraising Day – You Can Help Too
On Friday, I met several donors and collected some contributions for my campaign
Paul Fromm Campaign (Mayor of Hamilton),
Paul Fromm Campaign, (Mayor of Hamilton)
187 Appleford Court,
Hamilton, ON, L9C 5Y4

PH: 416-428-5308
August 18, 2022
Dear Subscriber:
I’ll get right to the point. I have decided to run for Mayor of Hamilton and I’d like to ask for your support — financial and personal, if you live in the area and can volunteer a few hours time. I filed my nomination papers on August 11.
An Arrogant and Woke Council
Hamilton City Council is secretive and out of touch. At the August 12 meeting, only the Mayor and three other councillors were physically present. The rest joined by Zoom, COVID likely being the excuse. In 2019, I was one of the victims of Council’s arrogance.
Hamilton has become known as “the hate capital of Canada” since I moved here in April, 2018. Most of this is media hype and hysteria. Almost all of the increase in “hate crimes” which has given rise to the scary label is grafitti! Yes, a few more naughty slogans scrawled here or there and there’s a crisis! In 2018/2019, this lefty city was shaken by weekly protests by Yellow vests and sometimes by some religious groups upset by the LGBTQ agenda. How dare they speak out? That Spring, a panicked City Council ordered staff to prepare a report as to how the City could go about banning protests by “hate groups”. I couldn’t believe it.
Was this Hamilton or Havana? I decided to apply to appear as a delegation at a meeting of the City Council in my role as Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. The normal procedure is that citizens with concerns register and are given a five-minute slot at the beginning of the meeting. It all seemed simple. But it wasn’t. My very appearance on a free speech issue stirred huge opposition. The crazy left local paper, The Hamilton Spectator, editorialized again my being heard. Several local councillors did not want to hear me. One had concluded that council should refuse to listen to a “known White nationalist”, who, I might note, is also a resident and taxpayer! The mayor fretted about ensuring that I didn’t say “hateful things”. About free speech? The taxpayer-funded Hamilton Centre on Civic Inclusion, headed by an import from Ghana, one Kojo Damptey , urged city council not to hear me. Yes, read that again: The Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion (yes, “inclusion”) demanded that Council exclude me. “City Hall is supposed to be a safe space for all residents”, the African reasoned. Free speech — they just don’t get it. Damptey identifies himself as a “decolonial advocate” — whatever that is. The Civic Inclusion Centre’s staff consists of two Negroes and one Chinese woman — very inclusive.
In the end, ironically, I got far more publicity for the crux of my views with a
front page story in the local paper and additional follow up coverage than I would
have had, if I had gotten to make my five minute presentation. I would have asked Council
to shake its head and consider the totalitarian notion of banning protests by “hate groups”.
Hate”, of course, is never defined. The accusation of “hate speech” tells you more about
accuser than the accused. “Hate speech” is speech the accuser hates!
The current Mayor Fred Eisenberger will not be seeking re-election.
There’s a real opportunity for change at City Hall and I’d like to make those changes.
The COVID Hysteria Not Over: Hamilton Needs a Freedom Agenda
rights were trampled in the worst way since World War II. Many businesses were
forced to close and hundreds of thousands thrown out of their jobs. People were
forced to wear useless masks (See NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, May 21, 2020) or to take a vaccine against their will Over 400 Hamilton civil servants were put on unpaid leave. Not all of the COVID restrictions were imposed by the City of Hamilton. The federal, provincial and municipal governments were all guilty — the three stooges of COVID tyranny. I bring a freedom perspective. To begin with, to help repair some of the harm done during COVID, I insist that the City of Hamilton compensate all the workers put on unpaid leave for the months of lost wages.
Many fear that the 39th wave, or whatever it is of COVID will be back in the fall and politicians, by the mask and vaxx compliance of many frightened citizens during the 2020-2022 COVID pandemic, will impose new restrictions on our freedoms. Quite plainly, this is a battle for freedom.
The Motorist’s Friend
As the MOTORIST’S FRIEND, I want the City of Hamilton to pursue a policy of moving traffic as quickly as possible. Fix the potholes that make some of our roads a menace. Do repairs in an expeditious manner. Traffic gridlock is a costly as well as nerve wracking problem for the entire GTA. The causes are twofold: mass immigration over the past 40 years which has more than doubled the population of the GTA and politicians, at all levels, who have failed to build the infrastructure — roads, expressways, hospitals, and housing — to accommodate the influx. The City of Hamilton must speak truth to power and insist that immigration be tied to massive expenditures to accommodate the newcomers OR halted altogether.
Freedom, A Lifelong Commitment
Freedom, for me, is a lifelong commitment. Since April of 2020, I have attended End the Lockdowns and End the Mandates freedom rallies, often many times in the same city, in 15 cities in Ontario and British Columbia: Ottawa, Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Brantford, Oakville, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Simcoe, London, Stratford, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, and Osoyoos. I was a proud supporter of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and, on a frigid Thursday, January 29, joined thousands of other Hamiltonians, to cheer the convoy on its way to Ottawa.
New Allies
The Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and the supportive rallies week after week, right across the country demonstrate that a big awakening has taken place. Something is stirring across this Dominion. People who were never before involved in politics have become active and now know that our Fake News media lies and or suppresses the truth. I am working closely with many of these new freedom recruits. I am much better organized than when I ran in 2018 and already have some very tech savvy helpers across the country.
If You Live in Ontario, Please Donate
I know money is tight for many people. However, if you can see your way to free up some money for a donation, please make it payable to Paul Fromm Campaign, Mayor of Hamilton [this is very important].
Thank you in advance in joining me in the fight for freedom.
Paul Fromm
Paul Fromm Campaign, (Mayor of Hamilton) , 187 Appleford Court, Hamilton, ON, L9C 5Y4
Yes, I want to keep the freedom movement momentum going. Here is my contribution of $_____ toward your campaign for Mayor of Hamilton and to help claw back our freedoms.
NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________
[Make cheques payable to Paul Fromm Campaign. — Thank you.]